"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech, dpugt@dgt.com.ua

Interface Converter Initiative


( full specifications are in the manual for the device )

1. Initiative interface converter (equipped with a built-in GPRS modem) is designed to transmit daily/hourly reports on gas flow calculators via the Internet to the server of the user’s dispatch service. Devices are equipped with one or two slots for installing SIM-cards.
   Initiative interface converters provide the ability to transmit data from all objects simultaneously. This allows you to quickly receive data from a large number of calculators of gas metering units.
   The proactive converter automatically polls the flow calculators and transmits the results calculation to the specified user addresses at the specified time. (The number of polls per day and the time of transmission of the calculation results user defines it).
  The Converter also provides traditional access to the Calculator upon initiative requests from dispatcher programs. interrogation and maintenance of Calculators.
2. The initiative interface converter is not a measuring instrument.
3. Operation of the transducer is allowed at ambient temperature from minus 40 to plus 70 °C.
  PS. – Attention! – If necessary, the user can independently configure the Interface Converter with the initiative program “VexnaARS.exe” (region – Odessa) or “VexnaPKV.exe” (other regions of the RGC of Ukraine) in accordance with the recommendation of these programs during configuration.
    To set up data exchange between the Calculator and the Interface Converter, it is necessary to set address of the connected VR-2 Calculator (PC-B Calculator) and Internet connection parameters according to the inserted SIM card (“www.kyivstar.net” – for Kyivstar, or “www.umc.ua” – for MTS, etc.).


1. The operation mode of the communication lines of the converter is half-duplex.
2. The initiative interface converter provides data exchange at speeds from 600 to 57,600 bps.
3. The converter has galvanic isolation between Bell202 and RS232 interfaces.
4. The converter is powered from an external DC source with a nominal voltage of 12 V (allowable – from 8 to 16 V);
   consumption current:
    – average current – 100 mA;
    – maximum – no more than 2.5 A;
    – power consumption . . . – no more than 60 watts.
5. The degree of protection of the transducer housing from environmental influences is IP30 according to GOST 14254.
6. The overall dimensions of the transducer do not exceed 160 x 100 x 60 mm.
7. The mass of the converter does not exceed – 0.25 kg.
8. Converter service life – 12 years.


1. The initiative interface converter is made in a plastic case with brackets for mounting on a DIN rail. In this case, the converter must be protected from the direct action of atmospheric precipitation.
2. The company provides warranty service for proactive interface converters within 24 months and service during the entire service life.


 Interface converter initiative.
 Interface converter initiative – M.


VexnaServ_vXX.zipПрограма налаштування та обслуговування “Перетворювачі інтерфейсів ініціативні” (VexnaServ_vXX.exe, де XX – номер версії програми яка знаходиться всередині архіву VexnaServ.zip) та інші допоміжні програми.
manual.pdf – Інструкція по роботі програми “HostWin” при наявності “Перетворювача інтерфейсів ініціативного” у складі вимірювального комплексу ФЛОУТЕК-ТМ.
USB_Stm32_Driver.zip – The driver for connecting the “Initiative interface converter” via the USB interface