"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech,

Insulated RS232 hub


( full specifications are in the manual for the device )
  1. The RS232 hub isolating assignments for converting physical signals to the RS232 interface into physical signals to the RS232 interface from secure galvanic decoupling of signal assignments to interfaces.
  2. The RS232 hub is insulating for organizing the exchange of digital information between industrial controllers, PUOMs, modems, which can communicate with the RS232 interface.
    The concentrator implements the function of “logical I” single-stage signals that come from the connected outbuildings. are transmitted as a matter of principle to all outbuildings, connected to the roses of the concentrator.
  3. The RS232 hub is not electrically electrical.


  1. Live parameters of the RS232 Hub with insulated external strum port:
  • rated life voltage ……………………………………….………… – 10 V – 30 V;
  • vlasny strum of calmness …………………………………….. – no more than 170 mA.
  • tension at rated voltage ………………………………………. – no more than 2.0 W.
  1. Overall dimensions of the insulating RS232 Hub do not exceed – 157 x 95 x 58 mm.
  2. The weight of the insulating RS232 Hub does not exceed 0.25 kg.
  3. The RS232 hub is not electrically isolated.
  4. Change of appointments for the operation of vibro-insecure zones.
  5. Operation of an insulating RS232 hub is allowed at a temperature of excessive heat from minus 30 to plus 60 °C.
  6. The term of service of the RS232 Hub is insulated – 12 years.


  1. RS232 concentrator in a plastic case with brackets for mounting on a DIN rail. In this case, the RS232 insulating concentrator is guilty of theft from a direct injection of atmospheric precipitation.
  2. The RS232 concentrator is insulating purpose for operation in vibro-insecure zones in the premises at a temperature of overheating from minus 40 to plus 60 °C.
  3. Climate change C-4 according to GOST 12997-84. Stupіn zakhistu vіd dіy navkolishny sredovoshy IP30 in accordance with GOST 14254-80.
  4. The company provides warranty service for the RS232 Hub with insulation for 24 months and service for the entire term of service.


Insulated RS232 hub