"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech,


Option 5.40.12

 bazovy_packet.zip  – The basic package of the “HostWin” program.
(For new users – after installing the “HostWin” program, you need to install the current update of the program)

 SP 5.40.12 Inst.zip  – Current program update HostWin
 Description of changes in the current program update “HostWin”  (Option SP 5.40.12)
 Software of the FLOUTEC-TM measuring and control complex.
Operator’s manual. ACSA.00001-01 34 01
 Complex HostWin.pdf  – Data viewer and report generator
 Инстр_по_настр_HostWin_при_модернизации_ВР-1.txt  – HostWin debugging recommendation for upgrading the VR-1 Calculator
 readme.txt  – comment on the program Concor HostWin (Option 5.40.10)