"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech,

Display panel


( full specifications are in the manual for the device )

1. The indication panel is designed to indicate the parameters of gas measurement by FLOUTEC-TM complexes and can be used in conjunction with the Calculator (Corrector) of the FLOWTECH-TM measuring complex.
2. The screen size of the Display panel for displaying information is 7 inches.
3. Operation of the Indication Panel is allowed at air temperature from minus 10 to plus 50 °С.
4. The indication panel on the display duplicates the information of the calculator of the FLOUTEC-TM complex.
5. The display panel is not a measuring instrument.


1. Display panel power settings:
   – Power is supplied from an external 12 V direct current source.
   – current consumption of the panel . . . . . – no more than 2 A.
2. Overall dimensions of the Indication panel do not exceed 260 x 170 x 60 mm.
3. The weight of the Display Panel does not exceed 0.5 kg.
4. The service life of the Indication Panel is at least 10 years.


1. Indication panels are produced in a plastic wall-mounted case, mounted on any flat support with a bracket.
Working position of the Indication panel – arbitrary, taking into account free access for visual control of measurement parameters.
2. The panel is placed in a non-explosive zone in the premises of GDS operators or control rooms.
3. The indication panel corresponds to the degree of protection IP30 according to GOST 14254.
4. The company provides warranty service for the Display Panel within 24 months and after-sales service throughout the service life.


Display panel.