"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech,

Barrier Intrinsically safe  BI-3


( full specifications are in the manual for the device )

1. The intrinsically safe barrier BI-3 is designed as a separating device between electrical circuits hazardous and non-hazardous areas of digital measuring transducers (SMART sensors) with current output signals or other devices with digital signal processing and to ensure the reception / transmission of data according to the Bell202 standard between the specified devices and secondary means of measurement and control located in the explosion-proof zone.
2. The BI-3 barrier has input intrinsically safe electrical circuits of the “ib” level and explosion protection marking II (2)G [Ex ib] IIB Gb, which meets the requirements of GOST, GOST 22782.0, GOST 22782.5 and is designed for installation in explosion-proof areas and premises.
3. The characteristics of the electrical signals received and generated by the BI-3 barrier correspond to the characteristics of the code (digital) Bell202 signal with frequency modulation.
4. Serial products can be connected to the BI-3 barrier, as well as Certified devices (the presence of a Type Examination Certificate) on explosion protection and permits for use in Ukraine, made with the type of explosion protection “intrinsically safe electrical circuits” according to GOST 22782.5 with protection level “ib”, as indicated by the “X” sign in the explosion protection marking of the barrier.
5. The values ​​of permissible electrical parameters of the external load of such devices should not exceed total inductance and capacitance of the connecting line and its own parameters of the Barrier BI-3.


1. The intrinsically safe barrier BI-3 provides electrical power to devices located in the explosive zone using an external DC power supply with an output voltage ranging from 10 to 13.5 V, for each device connected to it:
– DC voltage not less than . . . . . . . – 7 V;
– direct current within – 125 mA.
2. Operation of the BI-3 intrinsically safe Barrier is allowed under the following conditions:
– ambient air temperature from minus 40 to 70 °С;
– relative humidity up to 98% at a temperature of 35 °C.
3. Dimensions – no more than 91 x 35 x 60 mm
4. Barrier mass . . . . – does not exceed 0.1 kg.
5. The service life of the BI-3 barrier is not less than . . . . . . – 12 years.


The intrinsically safe barrier BI-3.


Type Examination Certificate. Intrinsically safe barrier BI-3
Notice of type conformity based on quality assurance of the production process
Type-examination Certificate. (Intrinsically safe barriers BI-3 . . . )