"DP UkrGasTech" LLC

+38 (044) 492-76-21, 334-73-03, dpugt@ukrgas.tech,


Publications and developments of the manufacturer

The given printed articles were placed in different periods of activity of our enterprise.

Dneprovsky metallurgist (newspaper Dneprovsky metallurgist, №. 45 (6451), 2000)

No more gas attacks (newspaper Berdyansk business, No. 50-51 (484-485), 2003)

New technology equipment for the creation of fully automated gas distribution stations (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 7, 2003)

Modern trends in the development of computer systems for commercial gas metering (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 9, 2003)

Experience in creating an autonomous power supply system for the gas industry (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 9, 2003)

Odorization plants – a new generation of ecological schemes (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 3, 2004)

Modern computer systems for commercial gas metering (zh/l JSC “Severgazprom”, №. 9 (195), 2004. The word of the engineer)

Opportunities to qualitatively reform the gas transportation complex of Ukraine (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 1, 2005)

Nuances of metrology: comments of experts (zh/l Oil and gas, №. 4, 2005)

New developments of “DP UKRGASTECH” LTD (zh/l Partner from Ukraine, № 27, 2006)